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Бонусы, сёрфинг, мультисерфинг. Мгновенный вывод. Партнёрка 5 уровней

Бонусы, сёрфинг, мультисерфинг. Мгновенный вывод. Партнёрка 5 уровней




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Бесплатная раскрутка Вашего сайта, блога, видео. До 1000 посещений в день!

Advertiser information

1. In the section "My surfing" You can order paid views of your site or your referral link. You get a guaranteed transition to your site. You do not need to configure the transition - the option works automatically.

2. Top ad units are text units that are located in the header of our site. Each unit is highlighted with a frame. To order advertising, go to the section "Top ad units". Then click on the "add ad" button. Enter the URL of the advertised site and description, then click the "add" button. After successful addition, click the "activate" button and launch your advertising.

3. Contextual advertising - placed on all pages of our site. Located in the menu on the left, as well as at the bottom of all pages of our site. You can order this type of advertising in the section "my context and banners". To order advertising, click the "add advertising" button in the section, then specify the URL, name and description of the advertisement. Specify the cost per click - the higher the cost, the more often your ad will be shown. If you activate the option "Show on bonus page" (to do this, check the box) - your ad will be shown in the section receiving bonuses and will receive guaranteed clicks.

4. Banner advertising 468*60 - placed on all pages of our site. Located at the top and bottom of each page. Also, your banner will be shown in the frame of surfing, receiving bonuses for exchanging visits. The higher the cost - the more likely it is that your banner will be shown! You can order this type of advertising in the section "my context and banners". To order advertising, click the "add advertising" button in the section, then specify the URL, name and description of the advertisement. Specify the cost per click - the higher the cost, the more often your advertisement will be shown. If you activate the option "Show on bonus page" (to do this, check the box) - your ad will be shown in the section receiving bonuses and will receive guaranteed clicks.

5. Banner advertising 200*300 - placed on all pages of our site. Located in the menu on the left twice on each of the pages. You can order this type of advertising in the section "my context and banners". To order advertising, click the "add advertising" button in the section, then specify the URL, name and description of the advertisement. Specify the cost per click - the higher the cost, the more often your ad will be shown. If you activate the option "Show on bonus page" (to do this, check the box) - your ad will be shown in the section receiving bonuses and will receive guaranteed clicks.

6. Advertising from LinkSlot partners is located on the main page, as well as on the earnings pages. Automatically and free of charge receives transitions from the receiving bonuses section.

7. In the "Visit Exchange" section, you can get credits for free by browsing sites. Then place your site in the visit exchange section. You can also directly buy credits on the exchange.

Advertise here

Бонусы, сёрфинг, мультисерфинг. Мгновенный вывод. Партнёрка 5 уровней


Бонусы, сёрфинг, мультисерфинг. Мгновенный вывод. Партнёрка 5 уровней
